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Sunday, August 30, 2009 12:01 AM To the top!

Www.lock-thelove.blogspot.com thank you very much ^^

The summer sun it blows my mind
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:18 PM To the top!

They disinfected our classroom, changed our recess time (so we hv the canteen to ourselves), released us half an hour earlier before dismissal time and cancelled all after-sch activities. This is getting all too srs, or maybe their cautionary measures are too exaggerated HAHA.

(Blogger is experiencing problems ugh)
Yuling came over after school on monday to do lit whoo thnx i felt sooper motivated after which! Lunched with yuling and anna at singpost oh oh delice ate at another astons outlet, aww so near yet so far.... We felt so sinful cuz we were turning fat yes fat.

Okay shall blog another time when blogger isnt as screwed :-)

Before the gold and glimmer have been replaced
Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:45 AM To the top!

Church was extremely good today whoo i loved the sermon hehe :>
Thnx yingxin for tagging me!

90-qn quiz.
Tag 15 people!

Sarah yuling annabelle cherilyn delyse weishan gen boee chris anne anyone else! :)

90. First off, what is your name?

89. What did you do last night?

88. Do you have a best friend that you can talk to 24/7?
Sure i do, Him in heaven!

87. Do you have any siblings?

86. How many years apart is your mom and dad?
A year!

85. Do you like someone?
......... Nope.

84. What does the 7th message in your text inbox say?
Haha omg lol what time're you sleeping!

83. Who sits beside you in maths?
Weishan/ yuling!

82. Where is your dad right now?

81. Do you burn incense?

80. Do you have a problem?
HAHA yup.

79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?
Private number :)

78. Closest purple object?
Spex i think.

77. Closest silver object?
House phone.

76. Closest yellow object?
Couch, its kinda ..... yellow hehe :)

75. Do you sing in the shower?
If a song gets stuck in my head yeah i sing!

74. What is bugging you right now?

73. How does your hair look right now?
HAHA bad i guess.

72. Do you know all the words to the Star Spangled Banner?
Not really.

71. When is the last time you said the pledge of allegiance?

70. If you could kill someone, who would it be?
Myself HAHA

69. Do you have any fears?
Yeah but someday i'll be fearlesssss.

68. What do you hear right now?
Tv, msn thing..

67. Do you like kangaroos?
I like their cute pouches in front!

66. Can you roll your tongue?
Yes im gonna master the art of flower tongues soon ok :D

65. What are you wearing?
Class t/shorts.

64. Who was the last person to message you?

63. Do you like emo kids?
Hmm v hard to cheer people up!! Spam smilies :)

62. Screamo or Country?

61. Rock or Rap?
Rock altho i can rap HAHA HAHA HAHA ok kidding

60. Polka or Disco?
!? Polka whazzat.

59. Flying or Driving?
Driving duh but i'll just stop at the highway suddenly.

58. Who last called you?

57. Was your Valentine's day nice?
Think so, cards, strawberries!

56. What are you doing now?
Msn, quiz, tv, phone whoa im quite a pro multitasker HAHA

55. Who was the last person you said I love you to?
Hmm idk.

54. Would you die for someone?
Yeah think so.

53. Would you date anyone from your work?
I havent even started work.

52. Do long distance relationships work?
Absence makes the heart grow fonder HAHA

51. Do you have any pet peeves?

50. Do you have to pee right now?

49. When did you last talk to one of your siblings?
Just woke her up.

48. What are you doing tomorrow?
No plans yet.

47. Do you worry about getting older?
Nope but i worry about time passing so quickly :(

46. Have you ever had an ingrown toenail?

45. Do you pick your scabs?
Sadly yes.

44. Ever drink your blood?
Yes and that's disgusting think vampires. Yuck.

43. Do your bandaids have cartoons on them?

42. Do you bite your nails?
Not at all HAHA bad habit for cheri!

41. Do you wax your eyebrows?
Sry i couldn't care less.

39. Do you check CelebPox.com for celebrity gossip?
That's retarded nope.

38. Do you have a jar where you keep your loose change?
Yes and it works yay im saving alr hehhehe.

37. Do you own a pogo stick?

36. Ever gone a whole day without eating?
Nope at most only 6h LOL

35. Do you own ripped jeans?

34. What makes you mad?
I think im getting bitten by an irritating mosquito !!!!!!!

33. What would you do if you found out that you were adopted?
Find my biological parents but still stay with my current parents?

32. Are you jealous a lot of the time?
Jealousy kills so i hope not!

31. Do you use a calendar or day planner to schedule everything on?
Handbook HAHA

30. Are you OCD?

29. Do you have ADD?

28. Do you have low self esteem?
God loves me the way i am!

27. Who can make you laugh during the hardest time?
S7 i can cry and laugh at the same time.

26. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
Some variety show.

25. When was the last time you had professional pictures taken?
My pictures are all professional ok. Hmm class photo!

24. Have you done a whitening treatment on your teeth?
Cool i shall try it next time :)

23. What is your favorite movie?
Alot but i cant rmb too.

22. Who do you love?
God and those around me

21. What is playing on your MP3 player right now?

20. What holiday is your birthday closest to?
Its in the june holidays :)

19. What's your favorite drink?

18. Do you own any big sunglasses?

17. Bed sheet color?
Mainly blue.

16. Ever encountered a shark?
Scary no thks.

15. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
Think so.

14. Have you ever bungee jumped?
Eh nope scary.

13. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
Church + dinner.

12. What's the first thing you notice about the same sex?

11. Is it hard to express your feelings to someone?

10. Why are people such self-centered beings?

9. Are you sad?
Not now.

8. Are you happy?
Lml yes HAHAH sarah i dont hate my life lah ok.

7. Favorite day of the year?

6. Have you ever licked someone's cheek?

5. Watched all Spiderman movies?
Not all.

4. What are you looking forward to?
Fop, 20th anni, and school altho i keep saying i hate school !?

3. Favorite Lucky Charms.

2. Have you ever ridden in a limo?

1. Do you want to get married?
Yeah okay.


I'm gonna turn it all around tonight at the tennessee line
Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:19 AM To the top!

Well then close your eyes and try to feel the way we do today
And then if you can't remember
Keep smilin'
Keep shinin'
Knowin' that you can always count on me for sure
Aw this song never fail to tug at my heart strings

Tgif tgif tgif tgif :-)
Week's been very bz and i was also quite lazy to update HAHA oh tests over + less homework!
Alright piccaz from that time at With a pinch of salt and also when we went down to take photos during chinese lesson!


Talking to gen and seeing another friend's old photos, i miss primary school.
Church, f.o.p, 20th anni B)

Monday, July 20, 2009 9:06 PM To the top!

K im guilty everyone's mugging geog k bai.

Till the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme
Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:26 AM To the top!

Harry potter at ps with sarah kenny and yeetata wasn't quite nice. Sarah screamed and my arm was soaked with her sweat cuz she grabbed me HAHA and most imptly dumbledore died a hero hehehe.

Kallang macs/klp with s7 B)
Anw cherilyn, this for you!! Check out your bestie in the second pic he's a con yknow :o

All the things I still remember
Summers never looked the same
Years go by and time just seems to fly
But the memories remain
In the middle of September
We still play out in the rain
Nothing to lose but everything to gain
Reflecting now how things could've been
It was worth it in the end

Kayaks and forgotten dreams
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:52 PM To the top!

Monday was a great deal of fun :) Worst thing was i bought iced peach tea for the class party and i only got a sip of it!!! HAHA anyway fishballs and sausages were good, plus spam candid pix whoo.
Tuesday was home sweeet home straight after school. Was great 'cuz i napped for 2h+++ in the afternoon shiok! Lunch buffet @ With a pinch of salt today with s7 it was so good plus the games!!


Harry potter tml tml tml tml tml *Gazillion smilies :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009 11:51 PM To the top!

It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
Life goes full circle
It takes a night to make a dawn
And it takes a day to make you yawn
It takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
And it takes the one to have the other
And it takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
And it takes some fears to make you trust
Iit takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the dust to have it polished

"Life is wonderful"